AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

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A budget is a forecast of revenue and expenses over a specified future period. Budgets are utilized by corporations, governments, and households and are an integral part of running a business (or household) efficiently.

Budgeting for companies serves as a plan of action for managers as well as a point of comparison at a period's end.

To manage your monthly expenses, prepare for life's unpredictable events, and be able to afford big-ticket items without going into debt, budgeting is important.

Key Takeaways

  • A budget is a forecast of revenue and expenses over a specified period and is an integral part of running a business efficiently.

  • A static budget is a budget with numbers based on planned outputs and inputs for each of the firm's divisions.

  • A cash-flow budget helps managers determine the amount of cash being generated by a company during a period.

  • Flexible budgets contain the actual results and are compared to the company's static budget to identify any variances.